
Here you will find computer programming examples for several programming languages using Windows and Linux operating systems.

About Me

My name is James C. Fuller and I am a retired recluse living in upstate New York. My first experience with computers and programming took place in the mid 70's while working as a quality control technician at General Electric. We used a teletype connected to a time share, wrote our programs in BASIC, and saved them to paper tape. My manager even allowed me to attend a course on BASIC programming after I agreed to cut my shoulder length hair. I was the only hourly employee to ever take the course.

I changed jobs and didn't touch a computer again until I purchased an Atari 800XL in 1984. I was hooked! I did not use Atari BASIC; instead I purchased (name forgotten) cartridge basic. It had subs,functions,types the works. I was never a GOTO Spaghetti cowboy. I also learned 6502 assembler using the MAC65 macro assembler. Then on to my first PC, a Tandy using Quick Basic. I wrote a program on my own time, to consolodate record keeping in my department at GE and submitted it for a General Electric Suggestion Award. It was implemented and I received a cool $1K for my efforts. The IT department was livid that a blue collar factory worker produced such quality code.

I also learned 16bit assembler and upgraded to MS Basic PDS. Shortly thereafter I discovered PowerBASIC and was in heaven. I could mix my assembler code right in with BASIC. I developed a shareware project with PBDos 3.0 called PBGui300 ,a data input GUI interface library which sold rather well. It was then I was contacted for some contract programming work which I reluctently accepted after much hounding. There are only so many hours in a day and I still had to give General Electric eight. I did small project coding for the company until the owner's untimely death late in 2010.

I was dragged kicking and screaming into the Windows world first with Visual Basic and later PbDll/PbWin. To this day my choice for contract jobs would be PowerBASIC.

I've done a lot of research on BASIC programming languages with my interest returning to BCX these last few years. With the added c++ support I saw a real potential that needed just a few more items. I decide to fork the project and bc9Basic was born.The king-pin of languages is, in my opinion, c++. The number of libraries available is staggering. I always hoped someone would develop an open source oop-enabled basic because I really dislike the c/c++ nomanclature with all it's braces and semi-colons. Now with bc9Basic I have the best of both worlds: c++ without all the crap!

